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TV Anime (26 Eps) Ashi Productions Tokyo Channel 12
Sci Fi
Summer 1981


Sengoku Majin GoShogun

In 2001, the evil secret society Dokuga, led by NeoNeros, holds the entire planet in their clutches. From the flying mobile fortress Good Thunder, Captain Sabarath and his team are the only thing standing in their way. Using the mysterious energy called Beamler, Sabarath's three crew members pilot the giant fighting robot GoShogun. Joined by Kenta, the orphaned son of Sabarath's colleague, they use the GoShogun to foil Dokuga's nefarious schemes around the world.

OP: Goshogun Take Off by Ken Fujii
ED: 21st Century ~Beyond the Galaxy~ by Ken Fujii

Availability: English Subtitles by Discotek Media
Footage from GoShogun was also used in the American animated series Macron 1 by Saban Entertainment.

Related Media
GoShogun (1982 Anime Film)
The Time Étranger (1985 Anime Film)