Main | Television Series | 1989 Anime Series List
TV Anime (47 Eps) Sunrise NTV
Fall 1989


: The TV Series
Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor

Walking work machines known as "Labors" have become a part of civilian and military life alike. Because of the potential of criminals to acquire Labors used in industries like heavy construction, the Metropolitan Tokyo Police Department has formed its own Labor patrol units. Asuma and Ota are a part of one such unit in Division 2, having just wrecked their last Labor in a recent arrest. Their luck is about to change for better or worse when rookie cadet Noa Izumi joins their team.

police apprehending a stolen labor mecha Metropolitan Tokyo Police Department officers Asuma and Ota cadet Noa Izumi piloting a labor labor mecha

OP: Sono mama no Kimi de ite by Yuko Nitou
ED: Midnight Blue by KISSME QUICK
OP 2: Condition Green by Kasahara Hiroko
ED 2: Paradise no kakurits by JA-JA

Availability: English Dub by Matlin Recording (DVD)
English Subtitles by U.S. Manga Corps (VHS)

1. Ingram Activated 1989.10.11
2. Kanuka Has Come 1989.10.18
3. This is SV2 1989.11.01
4. Head to the Mountain of Mystery! 1989.11.08
5. Runaway Labor X-10! 1989.11.15
6. The Tower: SOS 1989.11.22
7. Glorious Type 97 Modified 1989.11.29
8. Elusive Green 1989.12.06
9. Red Labor Landing 1989.12.13
10. Eve's Trap 1989.12.20
11. Eve's Terror 1989.12.27
12. Ohta's One Troubled Afternoon 1990.01.10
13. Gently, Your Highness 1990.01.17
14. You Win! 1990.01.24
15. The Whale That Sang a Song 1990.01.31
16. The Unit Crosses the Sea 1990.02.07
17. Target: Chief Goto 1990.02.14
18. I Love Noa-senpai 1990.02.21
19. Shadow in Geo-Front 1990.02.28
20. Movement in the Dark 1990.03.07
21. Phantom Again 1990.03.14
22. Labor and Flower 1990.03.21
23. Kanuka's Report 1990.04.04
24. Farewell Kanuka 1990.04.11
25. Storm of Spring 1990.04.18
26. I'm Takeo Kumagami 1990.04.25
27. A Calling Voice in the Dark 1990.05.02
28. Suspicious Duo 1990.05.09
29. SV2 Wiped Out! 1990.05.23
30. Griffin was Here! 1990.05.30
31. Tragedy in Rain 1990.06.06
32. Reunion 1990.06.13
33. Hounds of SCHAFT 1990.06.20
34. The Battle of the Gate 1990.06.27
35. Griffin Down 1990.07.04
36. Noa's Adventure 1990.07.11
37. Safety on Sales 1990.07.18
38. Underground Labyrinth Case 1990.07.25
39. Mass Production Plan 1990.08.01
40. Shore Watch Out Order 1990.08.08
41. Save the Terrorists 1990.08.15
42. Return of the Men 1990.08.22
43. Working Ladies 1990.08.29
44. CLAT Forever 1990.09.05
45. Freedom to Choose a Job 1990.09.12
46. Its Name is Zero 1990.09.19
47. Condition Green 1990.09.26

Related Media
Patlabor (1988 Manga)
Patlabor: The Early Days (1988 OVA)
Patlabor: The Movie (1989 Anime Film)
Patlabor (1990 Novel Series)
Patlabor: The New Files (1990 OVA Series)
Patlabor: Tokyo War (1991 Novel Series)
Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993 Anime Film)
Patlabor Minimum (2002 OVA Series)
WXIII Patlabor the Movie 3 (2002 Anime Film)